Sunday, 4 March 2012

Deedee Graduates with flying colours

Deedee graduated from her puppy class with flying colours.  She did us proud winning 4 prizes in the end of session competitions.  She did her 'return' in two seconds flat.  We use a flash of a torch to signal her to return. Her handler Tiff aged 12 won musical chairs with her, she got a prize for walking so well in the egg and spoon race and for doing her return so quickly.  She did all the tricks we taughter her, paw and roll over and jumping through a hoop.

We attended in Frodsham.  Deedee starts Puppy University in the first week of April.

Deedee is settling down really well.  She is learning how to greet people and not get so excited.  We are constantly socializing her with other dogs, and she is getting used to staying in her crate when we have to leave her in the house.

Unfortunately my two adult dogs still won't play with her and she so wants to play.  Luckily enough my mum's collie is happy to rough and tumble with her as is my sister in laws Border Terrier, who both live within a few hundreds yards so she has plenty of dogs to play with.

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